Sunday, January 22, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award.


This Versatile award was given to me by Steffani's Merry Makeup & Beauty Blog. Thank you so much. I never would have thought I would ever get a blog award! :))

1) Thank the Liebster blog award presenter on your blog.
2) Link back to the blogger who awarded your blog.
3)Copy and Paste the award to your blog.
4) Reveal your top 5 blog picks.
5)Drop by your top 5 blog picks and let them know you have chosen them by commenting on one their blog.
6) Give seven random facts about yourself.

Seven Random Facts About Me.-
1. I love my job.
2. I want to go to college in the fall. Maybe for photography.
3. I have a big family.
4. I love older horror movies. They seems so much more scarier!
5. I watch Lifetime All the time!.
6. I Don't have that much makeup.
7. I am saving my money to buy a good camera.

So My Award Winners Are:


  1. Congrats on your award and thank you for passing it on to me! I will include it next time I do a post. :)
